he Himalayan Vary contains a few of the youngest and most spectacular mountains on Earth, however the rugged panorama that lends it the putting magnificence for which it’s recognized may also preserve scientists from totally understanding how these mountains fashioned. … Continue reading
Biological anthropologists have discovered a new way of examining the fragile teeth of children who lived between the 11th and 15th centuries without damaging them. By using 3-D microscopic imaging, researchers have been able to safely reconstruct the diet of … Continue reading
Wind shifts plastic away from the surface, but most of the mass stays at this layer. Reisser et al. 2015 Biogeosciences Studies have estimated that each year between 4 and 12 million tonnes of plastics end up in the sea, … Continue reading
Intense X-ray technology sheds new light on dynamics of how minerals, fluids … A new study by a team including University of Delaware researcher Neil Sturchio and his colleagues at the Argonne National Laboratory and the University of Illinois at … Continue reading
PA technology ‘nose’ to avoid wine knows Cap: is the goal, through a sophisticated electronic sensor, a European research project coordinated by the University of Tor Vergata. The sensor placed on the bottling line, is able to hear the ‘smell’ … Continue reading
IMG title=”” alt=”” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/wpid-bbdba810828235c9f89a7e7ae8d9dd9f.jpg”IMG class=”hide” alt=”Naso tech contro vino che ‘sa di tappo’” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/wpid-bbdba810828235c9f89a7e7ae8d9dd9f.jpg” (ANSA) – ROMA, 21 MAR – ‘nose’ technology to avoid wine knows Cap: is the goal, through a sophisticated electronic sensor, a European research project coordinated … Continue reading