Scientists found deposits containing an iron isotope that must have come from ancient supernovae explosions (artist’s impression pictured). In particular, they isolated two events – one between 1.7 to 3.2 million years ago, and the other 6.5 to 8.7 million … Continue reading
IMG title=”” alt=”” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/wpid-0d8e8b7bf738a9afcc50b54b7942927e.jpg” IMG class=”hide” alt=”‘Foto’ esplosione asimmetrica supernova” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/wpid-0d8e8b7bf738a9afcc50b54b7942927e.jpg”(ANSAmed) – Rome, FEB 19 – the first image of an asymmetric supernova explosion offers new elements to the study of these phenomena that spread the blocks of matter and … Continue reading
(ANSAmed) – Rome, Dec 13 – the last piece of the mosaic of life, phosphorus, was discovered in the remains of a supernova, the huge explosion that marked the death of the big stars: life was still missing ingredient last … Continue reading
(ANSAmed) – Rome, 21 Nov – the “cinema of stars ‘ gives a new show in 3D: the protagonist is Casiopea A supernova, or rather what remains of its old explosion.” The remains have been reproduced for the first time … Continue reading
(ANSA) – SIENA, 2 MAG – Il bagliore di una stella esplosa oltre 370 milioni di anni fa e’ stato individuato dall’Osservatorio Astronomico Provinciale di Montarrenti. Ad individuare la stella Supernova SN 2013bj sono stati gli astrofili Simone Leonini, Giacomo … Continue reading