P(ANSA) – Rome, April 14 – Silvio Berlusconi’s two-year ban from holding public office, which came with a four-year prison sentence for tax fraud, is “adequate”, Italy’s supreme court said Monday in the explanation of its decision to uphold the … Continue reading
POffice di Microsoft spopola sull’iPad: a una settimana dal lancio delle applicazioni di Word, Excel, Power Point in versione ottimizzata per il tablet di Apple – attesa da tempo – il colosso di Redmond annuncia con un tweet che sono … Continue reading
PIt was released a few days ago but Office for iPad dominates the ranking of the top apps for the tablet from Apple in the App Store, including the Italian. Microsoft (Word, Excel, Power Point) software package, waited for a … Continue reading
PDebut for Satya Nadella, the new CEO of Microsoft. With a style completely different from his predecessor, Steve Ballmer, Nadella occurs in short-sleeved shirt. A first release its Microsoft announces new office for iPad: “we will make news in the … Continue reading
(ANSA) – Padua, December 11 – Police on Wednesday arrested a tax office employee while in the act of taking a small bribe to speed up the paperwork. The 58-year-old public servant in the northern city of Padua was taken … Continue reading
(ANSA) – Rome, December 5 – Ruling Democratic Party (PD) offices in Rome’s historically left-wing, working-class San Lorenzo neighborhood were vandalized last night, PD sources said Thursday. “They broke in and trashed everything”, said PD Rome President Tommaso Giuntella. “They … Continue reading
(ANSA) – Florence, November 8 – The police officer who was shot in front of the premier’s office in Rome this spring is expected to leave hospital before Christmas, his family revealed Friday. Giuseppe Giangrande, 51, was shot in the … Continue reading
(ANSA) – Milan, October 18 – A Milan court is expected to rule on Saturday on a ban on holding public office for Silvio Berlusconi after Italy’s supreme court upheld a tax-fraud conviction against the ex-premier in August. The supreme … Continue reading