Tag Archives: copyright

Copyright: promoting the Progress of Science and useful Arts by preventing access to 105-year-old quarry maps

In my recent preprint on the incompleteness and distortion of sauropod neck specimens, I?discuss three well-known sauropod specimens in detail, and show that they are not as well known as we think they are. One of them is the Giraffatitan … Continue reading

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AGCOM: 31/3 copyright operational rules

P(ANSA) – Rome, 28 MAR – shall come into force from Monday 31 March the regulation for the protection of copyright in the electronic communications networks adopted by the Council of the authority for communications guarantees on 12 December last. … Continue reading

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Vari, possibile ddl su copyright

(ANSA) – ROMA, 4 MAG – ”E’ in corso una riflessione su una legge per la tutela del diritto d’autore on-line. Credo che un disegno di legge potrebbe arrivare in tempi brevi”. Cosi’ il sottosegretario allo Sviluppo economico con delega … Continue reading

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