Public-sector manager pay to be cut says Renzi

IMG class=hide alt=”Public-sector manager pay to be cut says Renzi” src=”” (ANSA) – Rome, March 21 – Italian Premier Matteo Renzi on Friday confirmed plans to cap salaries of public-sector managers at or below the quarter of a million euros Italian President Giorgio Napolitano gets. PSome of the fattest cats in Italy’s bloated public sector earn three or four times what the head of State is paid./PPGiovanni Giorgio Tempini, CEO of government saving and loan trust Cassa Depositi e Prestiti takes home 1.035 million euros every year, compared to Napolitano’s annual stipend of 248,000 euros. Italian railways chief Mauro Moretti gets 873,666 euros a year. “I confirm the spending review on public-sector managers,” Renzi said at an EU summit./PPMoretti said lower pay for the highest-flying civil servants would force them into the private sector, prompting critics of his stewardship of Italy’s railway system to say “good riddance, let’s see what he gets”./PPBut the Ferrovie dello Stato CEO added that he was counting on Renzi’s promise to carry out the pay review “reasonably”./P
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