Prandelli cautions Italy may face FIFA ban for violent fans

P(see previous). (ANSA) Rome, May 5 – Italians “need to be governed” in order to avoid outbursts of soccer violence like the fan shooting and alleged ultra blackmail that marred the Italian Cup Final, national coach Cesare Prandelli said Monday.BR”We mustn’t turn a blind eye,” Prandelli said in a radio interview, “Football stadiums should be places for positive gatherings, not for threats. We Italians need to be governed, to be shown the right way,” he told Radio Anch’io lo sport.BRItaly could be banned from international football because of its minority of extremely vicious fans, he said. “When I saw the problems that the Lazio fans had in Poland recently and I was asked my opinion, I replied that sooner or later someone will put a stop to it. It is a shame to say it but we Italians have to touch the bottom in order to be governed and guided.BR”Right now the whole country needs to reflect otherwise the FIFA and UEFA will suspend us just as they did with the English,” Prandelli added.BRTurning to the purported negotiation between a capo ultra and Napoli captain Marek Hamsik, Prandelli continued “for years we have said avoid contact between the players and the fans on the curves”.BRCulture Minister Enrico Franceschini said the government “is working on new and very intransigent” norms to stamp out soccer hooliganism. In Naples, Father Tonino Palmese, the episcopal vicar of the archdiocese of the southern city, condemned the growing power of violent supporters.BR”Faced with an Italy that negotiates with the criminal of the day in the presence of the presidents of the Senate and the Lower House, I believe it is better to speak about another Republic,” he told Vatican Radio.BR”What sadness to think that there is a pope who exalts the importance of the game and there is disregard for all the people who go there for fun and to pass a nice evening.”/P
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