(ANSA) – Rome, December 3 – Police on Tuesday clashed with unemployed workers from Naples who broke into ruling Democratic Party (PD) headquarters in central Rome after their meeting with the labor minister was canceled, arresting 40.
Two police officers, one of whom was kicked and punched, were injured in the melee with the workers, sources said. Calling themselves Euro Unemployed Neapolitans (EDN) and Group Bros, the workers also rallied at the labor ministry and at the Trevi Fountain in a bid to force the government to reinstate unemployment compensation and to give them jobs after years on the dole.
“For years, we were handed 480 euros a month. Then, three years ago, even that dried up. We call on politicians to reinstate those funds”, said EDN chief Aminto Cesarino.
“For four years we attended state classes on waste, recycling and coast clean-up. Now we’re fully trained, but they’re not giving us the jobs they promised”, said fellow activist Luigi.
“That’s all we want: a job. You can’t be unemployed your whole life”.