IMG class=hide alt=”Letta visits officer wounded in shooting in spring” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/wpid-1613ea236b90e55b9c215ad8e5980a4e.jpg” (ANSA) – Prato, December 23 – Premier Enrico Letta made a early Christmas visit Monday evening to the police officer who was shot in April during the premier’s swearing-in. PLetta went to visit Giuseppe Giangrande, who was shot in the spine when an unemployed man attacked the presidential palace just as Italy’s new government was being sworn in on April 28./PP”I found him in good spirits,” Letta said later./PP”His is an example of how to defend institutions”./PPA colleague was also shot, but Giangrande suffered the most serious injuries of the pair after the man fired six rounds before he was apprehended./PPGiangrande was only recently released from hospital./PPHe remains severely paralyzed in most of his body, but his family says that he still intended to return to work on the police force./PPSurgeries were planned to help to improve more of his mobility, his family said./PP(ANSA) – ROMA, 23 DIC – /P
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