IMG class=hide alt=”Lawmakers get golden pensions due to longer life expectation” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/wpid-c8c28c50ec12018d2f9730c96b2be882.jpg” (ANSA) – Bolzano, March 17 – Regional council members from Italy’s northern autonomous region of Trentino Alto Adige could receive pensions that are 13.6% higher than those of average citizens, a study released by the Green Party said Monday. PPension payments are based partly on estimated life expectancy and the study by Innsbruck’s Austrian University Professor Gottfried Tappeiner found that high-income, university-educated people were projected to live as much as seven years longer than the rest of the population./PPWhen that expectation is applied to Trentino’s 130 council members, this means they could receive 13.6% more than the rate used for regular citizens, or a potential difference of 90 million euros, the professor found./PPIn Italy, MPs and autonomous region representatives receive monthly pension payments ranging from 2,400 euros to 7,200 euros once they turn 65, whether or not they retire./PPThat means lawmakers who don’t retire at 65 may receive both a wage and a pension./PPA sparsely populated region bordering on Austria and Switzerland, Trentino Alto Adige is among the most developed and wealthiest regions in Italy and the EU./P
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