P(See related) (ANSA) – Beirut, April 14 – Ex-Senator Marcello Dell’Utri was visited by his wife and one of his three sons Monday in Beirut, where he is being held in custody after disappearing from Italy, and found he was being “treated well,” sources told ANSA.BRHis family brought him books and medications, the sources said, adding that the former close aide to ex-premier Silvio Berlusconi seemed to be in good spirits.BRDell’Utri was arrested on the weekend after disappearing from Italy where he was expected in court Tuesday for a final ruling by the supreme Court of Cassation on his appeal of a seven-year jail term for Mafia links.BRThe case is likely to be postponed, and Dell’Utri, 72, may be extradited pending a formal request by the Italian government.BRSenior prosecutor Samir Hammud in Beirut said that Italy has 30 days to issue an extradition request under a bilateral accord.BR/P
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