P(ANSA) – Rome, April 16 – The international press on Thursday was awash with headlines of Italian judges sentencing Silvio Berlusconi to a year of community service in a senior center for committing tax fraud to the tune of 370 million euros. “No doubt a snake-charmer like Berlusconi, an expert joke teller, will make the most of the situation, turning it even to his advantage,” said Spanish daily El Pais. “Bad auspice for Berlusconi,” read the headline of French daily Liberation, playing on a pun with the French word for hospice. The New York Times said: “For a man who attracted headlines – and legal trouble – for cavorting with bevies of young, and sometimes very young, women, being forced to spend time with people closer to his own age may be a bitter pill for Silvio Berlusconi”.BRThe three-time premier is appealing a seven-year sentence for paying for sex with an underage prostitute. Meanwhile The Guardian said the sentence appeared like a classic example of a soft punishment meted out to a celebrity or figurehead, such as in the cases of RB singer Chris Brown, supermodel Naomi Campbell, and actress Lindsay Lohan, each of whom has been sentenced at some point to community service.BR/P
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